The Lake County Sheriff’s The Property Section has two main functions. The first one is to supply and equip the personnel and divisions of the Sheriff's Office -- Law Enforcement and Corrections. This includes everything from a paper clip to a helicopter engine -- office supplies, printed forms, uniforms and accessories, radios, flashlights, cameras, etc. -- anything necessary for each employee to perform his/her duties at the Sheriff's Office. This is a continuous, unending task. In addition, Property keeps track of all equipment that is issued to every employee.

The second function is to keep records on and keep track of all Fixed Assets belonging to the Sheriff's Office, which currently total over $10 million. All Fixed Assets have to be inventoried at least once each fiscal year. This is required by law and the Sheriff and all personnel are accountable for these Assets. The Sheriff's Office is audited by the State Auditor every year, and all Assets and corresponding records must be accounted for.